1. What do you read for fun? – Since I write dark and creepy fantasy, my reading tends to be classic works of literature. Right now, I am reading Sophie’s Choice by William Styron.
2. What advice would you give to an aspiring writer? – Write, write, write! Everyone has a story inside of them; all it takes is just one word, one sentence.
3. What is the title of your newest book or short story? What’s it about? Where can readers find it? – My newest short story is Agnes Viridian and the Search for the Scales. It is part of Pro Se Press’ newest anthology entitled Black Pulp: Pulp stories with an African American hero/heroine. My character, Agnes Viridian, is a woman filled with knowledge of all kinds; she has been called by the mysterious Mr. O to search for his missing scales. . . .
4. Where can readers find you on social media? (Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Library Thing, Redd It, etc.) – Facebook (Kimberly Richardson), Twitter (ViridianGirl) and my blog, The Nocturnal Aesthetic.
5. What inspired your new book or story? – When I was younger, I wrote the Indiana Kim stories: a little girl who, like Indiana Jones, goes off in search of treasure while fighting her arch nemesis, Dr. Doom. Agnes Viridian is basically Indiana Kim grown up yet still filled with adventure!