Welcome to my annual Days of the Dead Online Event. As always, I’ve got lots of treats—excerpts (from my own stuff plus some of my friends), audios, and even some giveaways for Ice Forged!
I’ve always thought this week is the best time of the year. Samhain, All Hallow’s Eve, Halloween, Dia De Los Muertos all in one week—what’s not to love? And I just came back from the ContraFlow convention in New Orleans, so I had a chance to soak up all that haunted history that makes the Big Easy so amazing. Be sure to check out my pictures of voodoo museums, haunted cemeteries and supernaturally-spectacular mansions on Facebook on my Gail Martin profile page.
While you’re on Facebook, “like” my Winter Kingdoms page and you’ll be automatically entered for a chance to win a signed copy of The Sworn.
On 10/31, Ice Forged will be the Kindle Daily Deal, so you can get it on Kindle for just 1.99 that day only—please grab a copy for yourself and tell all your friends.
I’ve also got a new book video for Ice Forged and Reign of Ash!
What’s up this year? Reign of Ash comes out from Orbit Books in April, 2014. It’s Book Two in the Ascendant Kingdoms Saga, and picks up where Ice Forged leaves off. Then in July, I’ll have a brand new urban fantasy novel out with Solaris Books, Deadly Curiosities. It’s set in modern-day Charleston, SC and tells the story of Cassidy Kincaide, who owns Trifles & Folly, an antiques and curio shop that exists to get dangerous magical objects off the market. Both are rollicking-good adventures, so please join me for the ride!
I’m in four new anthologies in 2014: Unexpected Journeys from the British Fantasy Society, Clockwork Universe: Steampunk vs. Aliens from Zombies Need Brains Press, Athena’s Daughters from Silence in the Library Press, and With Great Power, a superhero anthology.
Did you know I publish a new short story every month on ebook? I write two ebook series, with original content every month. The Jonmarc Vahanian Adventures are a prequel to The Summoner, and show you how Jonmarc became the greatest warrior in the Winter Kingdoms and what it cost him. In the Deadly Curiosities Adventures, I share the back story for the new novel, tracking the exploits of an intrepid group of mortals and undead whose mission is to find and destroy magically malicious objects. The short stories are lots of fun, and at .99 each, they’re a cheap thrill!
This year’s Days of the Dead Tour has more free giveaways of Ice Forged than ever before—details are below, but with all those chances, why not try your luck!
Here’s the deal—different blogs will post my guest articles on different days. Make the rounds, enter the contests, be entertained and grab some fun freebies!
What are you waiting for? You can get in on all the Days of the Dead fun on a treasure hunt/Trick-or-Treat just by visiting these sites. And please, “like” my TheWinterKingdoms page on Facebook when you visit to get the goodies!
Here’s where the action is:
- Ice Forged is the Kindle Daily Deal on 10/31 (https://amzn.com/B008AS86QY)—one-day only get it for $1.99!
- Orbit Books (www.OrbitBooks.net)—A guest blog post on Stalking the Shadow Side and a chapter excerpt from Ice Forged AND a post on my vote for who is the Ultimate Urban Fantasy Fighter.
- New Video for Ice Forged and Reign of Ash: https://youtu.be/TZmpDbDWuWI
- Goodreads (www.Goodreads.com)—A drawing for a free copy of Ice Forged plus an open Q&A session—ask me anything about writing, publishing or any of my books.
- Solaris Books (www.SolarisBooks.com)—A blog post about the new Deadly Curiosities novel plus a never-before seen excerpt.
- Magical Words—(www.MagicalWords.net)—A guest blog from me on “Looking Over the Brink” plus a different excerpt from Ice Forged on 10/29
- SFSignal.com—a drawing to win a copy of Ice Forged plus a blog post on “Epic to Urban and Back Again”
- SciFiChick.com—another chance to win a copy of Ice Forged and a blog post about Genre and Gender on 10/26
- Bookloons.com is giving away a copy of The Sworn, The Dread and Ice Forged here: https://www.bookloons.com/HandHTML/contest_bookloons9.html—are you feeling lucky?
- Out of the Box Media https://www.ootb-media.co.uk/A drawing for a copy of Ice Forged and a blog post on the Brave New World of Publishing
- BullSpec.com – a blog post on The Hardest Part of writing urban fantasy https://bullspec.com/category/the-hardest-part/
- AudioBookaneers is offering a drawing for an audio copy of The Sworn https://audiobookaneers.com/
- RisingShadow.net Asks me all the questions no one else dared to ask!
- Beauty-inRuins.blogpost.com has a brand new interview where I spill all my secrets!
- Fantastical Imaginations https://fantasticalimaginations.wordpress.com/ has an all-new interview on 10/28
- Civilian Reader https://civilian-reader.blogspot.com/ has my take on It’s the End of the World—Bring Charmin
- Fantasy Book Critic https://fantasybookcritic.blogspot.com/ on When the Grid Goes Down
- Paranormal Authors (https://paranormalauthors.blogspot.com) on Digging up Bones: Through a Glass Darkly
- Janine Spendlove’s blog https://janinekspendlove.blogspot.com/ on my upcoming story in the Athena’s Daughter’s anthology
- Toni Sweeney’s blog https://www.tonivsweeney.com/ on Living in Interesting Times 10/25- 11/1
- Tera Fulbright’s blog https://www.terafulbright.blogspot.com/ and a post on The Con-Going Writer
- A Marvelous New World https://writermaggie.blogspot.com on Series, Characters and Sanity
- Joshua Palmatier’s blog https://jpsorrow.livejournal.com/on my upcoming story in Steampunk Vs. Aliens
- Kelly Hashway’s blog https://kellyhashway.blogspot.com on Where’s the Line Between Horror and Epic Fantasy on 10/23
- Skiffy and Fanty (https://skiffyandfanty.com) on My Superpower on 10/29
- Chaos & Insanity https://www.chaosandinsanity.com/ talked to me about Creating Fictional Holidays
- Vonnie Winslow Crist’s blog https://vonniewinslowcrist.wordpress.com on Suspense, Horror and Romance in Epic Fantasy on 10/30
- RachaelAcks.com on Urban/Epic Whiplash on 10/30
- KristiPetersenSchoonover.com on The Long and Short of It about the new short story series on 10/29
- FanGirlBlog.com on Epic Fantasy is No Place for Wimps on 10/29
- Indian SF https://indiansf.in/ on Myth, Magic, Folklore—and Fantasy
- ISmellSheep.com on My Mind is a Dangerous Place
- The BroadPod https://broadpod.posterous.com/ will run audio readings of Vanities and Caves of the Dead
- GhostInTheMachinePodcast.com—Readings from several of my new short stories—including some that haven’t been released yet!
- ChroniclesOfTheNecromancer.com—A special post from me about how the short stories fit into the world of the novels, and a different chapter excerpt from Ice Forged, and sample chapters from books by several of my author friends! Plus an excerpt from my story, “The Low Road” and more!
- TheWinterKingdoms on Facebook (please “like” my page!) “like” my page before 10/31 and enter for a chance to win a signed copy of The Sworn!
- DisquietingVisions.com—a blog post on what new surprises lie in store—and where I’ll be in 2014, plus more excerpts!
- On Goodreads Talking about Your Favorite Monsters—join in here: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/117069-ghoulies-and-ghosties–favorite-monsters
- New radio interview on Beware the Spaceman https://www.bewarethespaceman.com/test/6938-spacecast-40-aka-all-new-spacecast-episode-4
- Twitter.com @GailZMartin—Links to two more of my short stories, “Steer a Pale Course” and “The Low Road”, plus links to downloads from some more of my awesome author friends!
- Pinterest https://www.pinterest.com/gzmartin/boards/—See some of my photos from the conventions I attend, cities I visit and more—plus my favorite board, “Abandoned Places”
- I’m now on Reddit and I’ll be the Fantasy Author of the Day with an “Ask Me Anything” on April 2
- Watch for excerpts and new short fiction from me on Wattpad—Come hang out and connect! https://wattpad.com/GailZMartin
Halloween wouldn’t be complete without Trick or Treat, and so not only will you find downloadable links to excerpts from my books, but you’ll also find sneak previews and excerpts from dozens of my author friends. Enjoy!
Remember—each partner site with an excerpt from Ice Forged has a different excerpt!