Giving Back to Fans

Curse of Death coverBy Kelly Hashway

Probably the most incredible thing about being a writer—other than getting to make up stories for a living—is talking to fans. Authors love their books. We wouldn’t write them if we didn’t. But hearing readers love our books is surreal.

So recently, I decided I wanted to do something to thank the readers who have been so supportive of my young adult paranormal series, Touch of Death. Lucky for me, my publisher, Spencer Hill Press, allowed me to write a free short story companion to the series. This is actually a thank you in two parts because 1) it’s free! and 2) the story is the myth about Medusa that the series is based upon. The question I get asked most by readers is what myth I used, because it’s not widely known. The Medusa in my books is one most people have never seen before, so this story will answer that question for readers.

I love that I can offer fans something for free and that it will help them understand my series better. If you’d like to check out my free short story, Curse of Death, you can find it here:

Story blurb:

When Medusa is caught between the god she serves and the god she loves, there can only be one outcome.


Kelly Hashway is a former language arts teacher who now works as a full-time writer, freelance editor, and mother to an adorable little girl. In addition to writing YA novels, Kelly writes middle grade books, picture books, and short stories. When she’s not writing or digging her way out from under her enormous To Be Read pile, she’s running and playing with her daughter. She resides in Pennsylvania with her husband, daughter, and pets. She is represented by Lauren Hammond of ADA Management.


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