We all love the holidays, but how in the sam hill do you get a book written with a house full of guests and a mouth full of eggnog?
I mean, peace on earth and goodwill toward men is fine and dandy, but publishing is a business, for cryin’ out loud! We’ve got deadlines, people!
So for all those authors who are juggling their work on the next great American novel with festivities, here are twelve ideas to keep you going:
- When everyone else goes a’wassailing, stay home and write.
- Put the kids to bed early on Christmas Eve (use the Santa excuse) and stay up late writing
- Everyone else will go to bed at 12:30 a.m. on New Year’s Day. You’ve got at least seven hours of peace and quiet until they get back up.
- Do your Christmas shopping via the Internet and use the time you aren’t at the mall to catch up on your novel.
- Skip writing the family Christmas card letter and get another page or two done on your manuscript.
- Post a holiday blog instead of sending Christmas cards and use the time you would have spent licking envelopes on your manuscript.
- Ask Santa for an extension on your deadline.
- Interview Santa for an expose—after all, he knows who’s been naughty or nice.
- Use rejection letters to kindle a good chestnut-roasting fire.
- Ask Santa for an iTunes gift card so you can stock up on writing apps for your smart phone.
- Recognize the role writers have played in our holiday celebrations. Without advertising copywriters, there wouldn’t be Rudolph (Montgomery Ward) or Santa as we know him (Coca Cola). Or the ghost of Christmas Past (Dickens).
- If all else fails, knock back a shot of Christmas spirit and keep on typing!